Can I bring my faith to work?

August 27, 2019

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

Can I bring my faith to work? This was a question that I asked as I prepared to interview for a job. I wanted the job for all it offered my career and the fact that it would allow me to guide a global organization utilizing my Christian values. However, life was complicated at the time and looking back; I noticed the job was always at the bottom of my list of prayers.

For most of my life, I would take God off of the shelf on Saturday and put Him back on the shelf by Sunday night. Until I began to wonder…

  • What if I brought Him to work?
  • How could my life be transformed by not just being a weekend Christian but a practicing Christian every day?
  • Could I transform my workplace even though I didn’t get the job?

This time in my life made me realize; God works for free—He works overtime, nights, and even weekends. I began to understand that when you pray to God and place your faith in Him, He reveals His will for your life. In fact, He began to reveal and form a network of other Christians around me. The difference and impact we made with each other, for others, and for the company was amazing—but not easy.

Do it!

We formed Bible studies and asked for BBT’s help and guidance. We did not hide and meet in secret; we used the main conference room to wrestle with our faith together. At one point, human resources approached me and implied the “Christians” might have an unfair advantage because of their exposure to me through these meetings. I explained that we were an inclusive group and would welcome anyone into it. As a senior leader, I would ensure anyone wanting to practice their faith had the freedom to do so.

Then, after an additional three years of prayer and challenges and placing my faith in God’s timing, again He led me to new opportunities. I walked away from the only job and company I knew. I moved my family from Louisville, KY to St. Louis, MO and joined Kingdom Capital—a place where we pray every day and focus on utilizing Biblical principles to shape and improve ourselves and our relationships with the people we serve.

Apply it!

Applying your faith in every facet of your life enhances you, the people around you, and ultimately, the places you work. All along God had been answering my prayers and providing me discernment, but I couldn’t hear Him until I was able to sit still and quiet the noise around me.

  • What is your noise?
  • Are you willing to turn it off or move away from it to really hear God’s voice?
  • Are you working to live or living to work?

Bring it!

Can I bring my faith to work? For me now, I see this as a faithless question. If you believe in God and have faith in Him, nothing can hurt you. His power and freedom helps you understand you can work to live. It takes courage to be a Christian and live those values, especially in the workplace.

So, can you bring your faith to work? Yes. Not only can you, but as a faithful Christian, it is your responsibility. Click here to get started

Chet Guess

Chet Guess is the Chief Technology Officer and President of the Technology Investment Group at Kingdom Capital. Chet focuses on identifying and cultivating strategic investments within Kingdom Capital’s technology sector. He is blessed in his career to have served in various leadership roles, including as a Senior Vice President across various business units. Chet has served on a wide variety of boards and is very active in his local parish.